10 Things Never To Do In A Graphic Design Portfolio

Portfolio Police: 10 Crimes Against Graphic Design Portfolios (and How to Avoid Them)

So you've spent countless hours honing your skills, crafting stunning visuals, and conquering the design world (at least in your mind). Now it's time to unleash your masterpiece – your graphic design portfolio! But hold on, partner. Before you hit publish and unleash your brilliance on the unsuspecting internet, let's make sure you haven't committed any cardinal portfolio sins.

Here are 10 crimes against graphic design portfolios, and how to avoid them:

Crime #1: The Mystery Meat Montage

Your portfolio shouldn't be a chaotic jumble of everything you've ever touched. Choose projects that showcase your best work and specific skills. Relevance is key!

Crime #2: The Disappearing Act (Where's the Context?)

Don't leave viewers guessing! Provide context for your projects. Explain your design process, the challenges you faced, and the final outcome.

Crime #3: The "Borrowed" Look

Inspiration is great, but plagiarism isn't. Develop your own unique design voice. Let your personality shine through your work.

Crime #4: The Textual Terror

Walls of text are a snoozefest. Focus on visuals! Use clear and concise language to explain your work.

Crime #5: The Mobile Maze

Make sure your portfolio is mobile-friendly. People are browsing on their phones, so ensure your designs adapt seamlessly.

Crime #6: The Navigation Nightmare

Don't make viewers work for it! Have a clear and intuitive navigation system that allows visitors to explore your portfolio effortlessly.

Crime #7: The "About Me" Abyss

Don't be a design ghost! Introduce yourself! Let potential clients or employers know who you are and what makes you tick.

Crime #8: The Broken Link Blues

Double, triple-check all your links! Broken links scream unprofessionalism. Ensure everything functions smoothly.

Crime #9: The Stock Photo Snooze

Generic stock photos are a yawn. Use visuals that are relevant, unique, and visually appealing.

Crime #10: The "One and Done" Trap

Your portfolio is a living document! Keep it updated with your latest and greatest work.

Remember, your portfolio is your first impression. By avoiding these design faux pas, you can craft a portfolio that screams professionalism, creativity, and "hire me!"

Bonus Tip: Proofread! Typos and grammatical errors scream carelessness.

Now go forth, design hero, and create a portfolio that will knock their socks off (in a good way)!

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